Since 2007, Don Hermann has used innovations, new production techniques, selected tobacco and his professional team to develop the cigar brand
PuPla Cigars
to the top of the world premium cigar market.
In 2023, Don Hermann founded the most exclusive
and most valuable cigar brand in the world.
Osele Cigars
For a maximum of 5 new customers per year, the master and his team create incomparable premium cigars of superlatives. Production price per cigar from $ 300 USD.
If you want the best tobaccos, individual creations and unique cigars at a reasonable price, we will create and produce your personal cigar with the utmost dedication and passion.
Everything good comes from passion and the result is perfect enjoyment that comes very close to paradise.
Cigars are a symbol of wealth, power and the jet set, the enjoyment of which leads to a delicious combination of luxury and well-being.
Cigars are synonymous with the good life for gourmets.
Hermann Osele is an expert in the field of cigar science and a connoisseur of the art of cigar making. His cigar guide provides comprehensive information on the production of cigars and the art of enjoying them.
Hermann Osele, who is also known as the "Professor of Cigars", has lived in the Dominican Republic for more than 20 years. He founded the company PuPla Cigars SRL there in 2007 together with his Dominican wife. PuPla Cigars SRL now produces the world's most perfect and finest premium cigars.
His method of producing cigars sets a new benchmark for quality and taste.
True connoisseurs speak of a quantum leap in the production of cigars. A manufacturing process that is several hundred years old has been completely turned on its head from one day to the next.
Don Hermann's innovations have not only revolutionized the production of premium cigars, but have also influenced the storage and sale of cigars.
The Osele method has completely turned the traditional cigar manufacturing process on its head. The processing of the cigars is now much more precise and the result is cigars of the highest quality and with an incomparable taste.
The storage method developed in cigar tubes made from the finest cedar wood has also improved the storage of cigars. The cigars are refined during storage and refine their taste over the years. At the same time, constant regulation of humidity is made possible, making expensive humidors almost superfluous.
The high quality of the cigars produced using this method has led to them becoming a luxury product that is offered at a correspondingly high price. Hermann Osele has revolutionized the production and quality of premium cigars with the Osele method.
90 %
100 %
40% - 90%
100 %
Patented Tubes made from the finest cedar wood for every Osele cigar.
Created by Don Hermann
+1 8097691100
Yasipark - 57007 Yasica Arriba
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Dominican Republic